Daily Archives: May 7, 2012

How to Make the Most of Free Survey Software

Conducting a marketing survey over the internet is no easy feat. There are many hurdles that will get in your way; specifically, you will have to deal with cantankerous users who find your questions cumbersome, spam filters that block email surveys, and free online survey software that probably is not as visually appealing as you thought it would be. Nevertheless, the fact that there is a free-of-cost option to poll and survey customers is reason enough to still use the online survey as a marketing survey technique.

The important thing to remember is that a free option doesn’t necessarily have to mean that it has to be drab or unappealing. In fact, it is up to you to insure that you make this as enjoyable an experience as you can for your customers. Some of the following pointers must be borne in mind when using web tools to create a survey.

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